changes that is. so many of them, that when I actually sit and think about them my head starts to spin. I always find that writing stuff down and I guess... "writing them "outloud" always helps to see where I've/we've been and where we're headed...
1. We bought the studio. I could just stop right there because that's insane. We left on our honeymoon and LOVED it in Santa Cruz so much so that we went back 3 TIMES in 5 days. We visited quite a few places and while many were gorgeous and quaint Santa Cruz had it all. We were close to the city, close to aaron and mel and close to an IKEA which I told Steve I could go home immediately and apply for a job there... We talked while we were in California about SERIOUSLY moving out there and both decided to pray about it. My prayers went like this "God, you know how long I've wanted to live in California, you know how long I've wanted to live close to Aaron and Mel, and you know how much Steve and I love it out here... so provide a way that's so clear we would know exactly where to go next..." Steve's went like this "God, I want to move to Santa Cruz so, make that happen..." So, after praying like that we decided to give our options which were... If we are offered to buy the studio in the next year...we will. If not we will save our money and move to California. The day we returned from our honeymoon Steve got a call from the former owner who asked if we might be interested in buying the studio from them. When I heard the new I promptly told my mother to stop praying us to Warsaw. It was SO clear we were to stay put. We LOVE being small business owners (I still, how weird) and we LOVE being able to work together creatively. I know many couples who say "I could NEVER do that" and quite honestly God really created us to work well with one another. Steve has MANY strengths that are my weaknesses and vice versa (Although, my husband is REALLY smart...) Along with owning the business comes many awesome things like re-branding, getting to work closely with Melinda on design stuff, getting to be involved with local bands, and getting to teach, one of my passions. We have built some great relationships with our students as well as our teachers and I look forward to all the new things that are happening.
2.Mission Point...We started attending mission point for the sole fact that Steve and I wanted to support Abe. After going the first Sunday both of us thought... well, we're in:). We love our family here and are SO looking forward to getting more involved. It is SUCH an awesome church and we've really been learning a lot and find ourselves growing more passionate about the lost, about our families, about growing as a couple, and growing closer to Christ. This was another reason we were so convinced that God wanted us here in Warsaw
3. Brokenness... It is no surprise to anyone who knows me that I am not a fan of church. For many reasons that are valid, I'm sure to most people. But after all that happened I had grown bitter. It was as if my wounds had healed but over the years scar tissue had built LAYERS UPON LAYERS over that wound. I found myself angry with anyone who had been involved with my situation, anyone who was now involved with anyone who had been involved in my situation, and felt like the whole thing had been handled incorrectly. God has really really been working on my heart. It hasn't been a HUGE experience that has changed me...perhaps is just maturity. I began to determine in my heart to meet with people who had not been personally involved but that I had shut out due to my own bitterness. I determined that I would LOVE the people who had hurt me and it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I'm still in that process but God is teaching me a lot through opening myself back up. It hurts but in the end I'll be better for it.
4. Getting Healthy... I have a GREAT motivational husband. He really keeps me on my toes. He blesses me everyday with his constitution and fortitude and I am so proud of him. He started working out with a friend everyday and I decided to do that in solidarity with him but felt completely unmotivated to take better care of myself. HOWEVER, I went to the doctor a few weeks after he started his work out stuff and had to be weighed. I have always avoided scales as a general rule of being a heavy set lady. But could not. So I hit the scale and was blown away... HOW had a let myself go SO much... blah. So I've been working out hard everyday trying to get at least 2 cardio workouts in. I know it seems like a lot but since i don't get a ton of cardio work throughout the day it's a GREAT thing for me. Gotta get healthy for...other changes on the horizon (baby??? what??)
So that's about it. life is simple and uncomplicated and I couldn't be happier.
From our happy nest,