
Monday, May 31, 2010


So, I've been getting headaches for the past 3 weeks...awful headaches. Now, I've been known to get migraines in the past but not so frequent and NOT this bad. So awful that I've been wanting to shave all my hair off. No Joke. Steve and I have tried many things but apart from being on some kind of pain medication 24/7 nothing seems to work. Grr. I've heard this can be a side effect of birth control but I think people who don't have migraines don't understand. I have to lay down and cover my face and have no noise at all around me or I throw up. What. Is. Up. Hopefully the vacation will help out with this too. Less than 5 days...ahhhhhhh.

Monday, May 24, 2010

My Husband...The King;)

Steve is an amazing guitar player. Not to brag (but remember I married him...I do really enjoy him) but he REALLY is... So naturally when Steve can he brings out his AWESOME guitar skills AND his pension for competition and he plays in the King of the Blues competition. Last Thursday we went up to fort wayne (in between lessons, setting up for Open Mic @ Bennis, and PLAYING open mic) so he could perform. He did a great job as usual and made it to the next round... which means he will be doing the store finals the day before we leave for our Honeymoon.
I am so proud of him. We are crazy crazy CRAZY busy right now and I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to getting out of town. We haven't been on a vacation in a year and it's about time. We're both just exhausted and want a little time to enjoy just being the two of us.
So, Steve will play Thursday the 3rd RIGHT before we leave. Should be pretty amazing. Come out and support him (and me cause I sit by myself) and we'll buy you a drink at Bennigans (which we'll have to play open mic at RIGHT afterwards;)
Ah Monday... the start of another busy week but one day closer to our amazing honeymoon. Can't wait.

Monday, May 17, 2010

our weeks...

have gotten more and more busy...
Today I've been feeling awful. I've been dizzy, exhausted, hot, and nauseated. Thank goodness for Steve who brought me medicine, diet coke, and chocolates. We are REALLY looking forward to a vacation/honeymoon. Our weeks have been getting busier and busier. For example... Lessons (of course...) BUT Steve will be hanging cabinets on Wednesday, Playing King of the blues AND doing open mic on thursday, Friday we're running sound/coaching our kids at the Idol Night and Saturday we have a show with Megan!! Ummmm... yeah, needless to say... we're losing our minds.
come on honeymoon...come on.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


When I created this blog I knew that eventually I'd want it to be about us. I (Karyn) love you write and miss doing it when I don't have the time or just feel creatively drained. Steve and I have been married for 5 weeks so far and we REALLY enjoy married life. We ALSO love playing music, writing and cracking one another up. Here are a few things about us before we get this going...

- Stays up late and sleeps in...when she can
- Loves eyeshadow lots and lots of it
- Likes when her syrup is in the fridge
-Can't sleep next to the door, and doesn't like to sleep with the closet doors open
-Will melt your face off with her singing
-Stays up late and gets up early
-Really likes to read incredibly intelligent books
-Prefers his syrup out in the cupboard
-Sleeps next to the door because he's a man...
-Will melt your face with his guitar playing

That's just a little about us. Enjoy the blog!:)