
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sept 17, 2008

it was truly unbelievable and i try hard not to care but i guess that it's inevitable and i'm left standing there. With questions unanswered and hard lines to be drawn and loneliness left calling is my only friend when you are gone. This is inescapable this place you've left for me. A quiet empty house will keep me company. Memories, half truths, and lies you never did take with you. And what you've left for me here are the only things I find true. Do you feel better my sweet friend now that you've gone away? Is that bitterness any easeir to swallow than it was just yesterday? Does blaming me help free you from the blame you owe yourself? Or have you forgotten all you've said and placed it on a shelf... To go through a time much later than to face those things right now. I want to change the things I've been but i just can't figure out how. So pack up this house and lock me in with all the things you wish we'd been. Cause one day you'll look back and that's all that you will have my friend.

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