
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What's the haps?

My mind is a large conglomeration of random bits and to spare you all the scary details of my ADD brain... I will bulletin point

- i don't know how to spell bulletin. You're welcome.

- Our dog is humping...everything and everyone. It really is a joy to have guests over and for them to be greeted with a weird dog smile, kisses, and then me laughing an embarrased apology and frantically grabbing my dog in mid-thrust. Thanks Cash. He's also trying to once again assert his dominance over everyone. Guess what, last time i checked you are not the pack leader so please stop chewing on EVERYTHING put your penis away and we'll all get along just fine here. The mommy has spoken.

-I have REALLY enjoyed playing up North these last few weeks. Despite how crappy i could be feeling about still not having a place of employment and no money and living back at the ole 202... I'm just happy to play for some pretty awesome people at a really awesome setting and to be enjoying this time off by "giving back" and "volunteering my time".;)

-i jabbed my foot on a nail. It hurt, it bled, i complained. The nail must have gone pretty deep because my foot feels bruised and not cut. Tonight... It started itching. I'll keep you posted as to the severity of my lock jaw next week (not having insurance really IS super convienient!) Thanks republicants (like what i did there?!?). I mean everyone knows the reason i can't afford health insurance is because i am a lazy drug addict who has 14 babies no college education and isn't constantly looking for work... You're right. Now, if you'll all hang on a second i'll go ahead and hop off my soap box...

- oh... i miss mel. I hope she is enjoying her east coast wonderland. No one truly appreciates my sarcastic, jaded, and angry humor quite like she does.

-i heart cross stitching... I have made almost 4 pieces already! Also, if you're expecting me to cross stitch you a nice and serious verse... It will not happen. I have made a pretty tree, a mustache that says ooo la la, a tote bag with a picture of a little china man that says hi hi chop suey (which is the actual name of a restraunt), and i am finishing a lucha libre for my little brother. Happy second year of college kid!!

That sums it up. I'm off to slumber even though i am out of work I am actually surprisingly busy.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


here's what's funny about rejection.

1. I have never in my LIFE been rejected by a guy. Well, at least not one that I've had the balls enough to say what up, i like you, look at my boobs, wanna hang out?? to. No no...they ALWAYS say yes. I do the rejecting. Thanks very much.

2. I'm generally never rejected my people in my life. Nope, loads of people like me. I've got an infectious personality. I'm very persuasive, generally hilarious, and not a terrible listener. I bring you in with the personality and I keep you around with my fabulous cooking skills. Not many people can reject me because even when they do I just continue to hang around until they change their minds.

3. When getting a job I'm NEVER rejected. LITERALLY. EVERY SINGLE INTERVIEW I have ever done I've gotten accepted EVEN if i wasn't qualified at ALL. I one time had to interview with the owner of a well established high end restaraunt because the hiring manager couldn't make the call because i had no waitressing experience at all. *they (as a rule) never hire anyone with less than 2 years server experience* I sold the owner, so much so that he said he would have me trained to work as one of the bar staff *which most servers spend at least 3 years working there before they can even be interviewed to train* I'm fairly sure I could have talked him into having me be an assistant manager but I didn't push my luck.


I just received my 2nd rejection letter. I mean they are all perfunctery enough, thanks for applying, we filled the position, best wishes...blah blah blah. You know what I want to e-mail back??

Dear respective employer who is missing out by failing to hire me,

You have to be kidding me. I figured you had filled the position after I promptly emailed you a week after you received my AMAZING resume and cover letter and you had yet to respond to my brilliance. When you informed me that the week before you had gotten my resume and said cover letter and that you were calling people for interviews on this said date (one that had already passed) that you had filled the position. Now, some of the people that had applied for this position were obviously brain dead if they hadn't figured out at THIS point that you weren't going to hire them. But not me, I figured you HAD skipped over my resume and cover letter (which i worked on perfecting for you making it snappy and brilliant and a good read since I figured you had many applicants) since you decided to send me an e-mail reply that WAS completely irrelevant. BUT i guess you had to make it ABUNDANTLY clear to me (after 3 weeks) that i was INDEED not receiving this job (that I was ridiculously over qualified for). Thanks for your "deepest regrets" (hope you don't lose much sleep over SUCKING as a human being and being a complete waste of space) and your "best wishes" (my best wish is that gravity momentarily stops working and you catapult into space and that your body collapses on itself...) but please waste those feelings on the useless peon that you hired. Enjoy sucking the soul out of their body until they are but shreds of the person they used to be.

Best wishes and suck on that,


I mean,'s probably a bit harsh but that's what being jobless does to a person. It makes them want to lash out irrationally.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I loathe job hunting. When employers ask me again how long i plan to stay my response will be forever because i never ever ever again want to search for a job. So even if this job sucks butt...i'll be here for the rest of my life. Oh, and i will thank you very kindly to provide me with benefits. The freaking end.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

You can never go back or intestinal trauma

Let's be honest... I do this for the fabulous reading material it makes. Well, for that and the cash flow. I never thought that my life was all that interesting or that my story was of any significance to anyone else. Even when other people told me that they could completely relate or that only outrageous things ever happened to me i never truly believed that. I started keeping a record to have just that a record. One that i could look back on and laugh, and want to punch past tense me, and feel some sort of sense of history. Who knew i would entertain others. I was a crappy english student, well, if I'm being honest i was a wonderful English student in everything but grammar. I said "eff you" to dangling participles, and run on sentences, and proper punctuation, and capitalization... I am a publishers dream and an editors nightmare but i have never claimed to be anything different. When i began to write i thought too much. I thought too much and shared to much and put myself out there like an emotional beggar. Pleading for someone to accept me, and love me and when i didn't find those things i cried on my blog about how it wasn't going to happen for me. Blah, blah, blah. I wonder if someone would have showed me in some sort of crystal ball where i would be now (literally RIGHT now) i never ever ever would have tried so hard. I never would have been so insecure, i would have been more self assured, i would have not felt like every pretty girl was somehow a threat to my survival. No, i would have gone to class without make up. I would have worn low cut shirts to class, not because i wanted boys to stare at my boobs...but because i had boobs and they were mine and they were great. Side note: i still have them...that made it sound like i didn't. I would have been secure in all choices knowing that in the end... I would be perfectly happy A wise person once told me, you will never be able to right all your wrongs... Nor should you try. If you go about your entire life feeling guilty for the things you've done and the people you've hurt you will never live a free life. How true. On the flip side, i am usually super pissed if someone wrongs me and then doesn't make it right. Let's face it i will cut a bitch. But sometimes, you just have to let those things go and face the fact that we are all just pissing someone else off even if we don't know it. Forgive, because you can't go back and whoever wronged you...can't either. I look back at the beginning blog and say my goodness i needed some sense knocked into me. I needed to tell that me to be honest, but not emotionally whorey, to be kind, but firm, to be open, but cautious and to laugh quickly and forget quickly because from where i sit now i wonder what is was all for. Forgive! Because if you stay bitter your whole life( or you eat meat my mother cooks) you end up getting horrific intestinal issues. So i guess what i am saying is... Forgive or get explosive butt piss.

A lesson learned- k

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What am i doing here?

Have you ever gotten home, turned off the car, gotten out...and not realized HOW you got there? Ok... Imagine that your "home" is your current situation in life and instead of "gotten out" replace that with "gotten punched in the preverbial nutsack..." and that is my world... Hello, and welcome. 1 second i am happy and the next i want to punch babies 1 second i am laughing and the next i am sobbing into a pillow refusing to get out of bed or eat ham (this MAY have happened last night between linda and's no wonder she loves melinda more than me...). Things are SO much better than they were a month ago... Hell, if i'm honest better than they have been for months! I have been afforded the opportunity to pursue things i never thought i would and the prospects are terrifying and really cool and then terrifying again. I am faced with the inevitable question of... "what do i want to be when i grow up?"

And afforded the incredible gift of starting all over.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Music quiz...

Pick your artist:
Dave Matthews (including band)

Are you a male or female?:
Joyful girl

Describe yourself:
So much to say

How do you feel?:
So damn lucky

Describe where you currently live:
Down by the river

If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
Lyin in the hands of God

Your favorite form of transportation:
Drive in, drive out

Your best friend is:
Too much

You and your best friend are:
Dancing nancies

What is the weather like:
When the world ends

Favorite time of day:
Lover lay down

If your life was a tv show what would it be called:
Funny the way it is

What is life to you:
One sweet world

Your last relationship:
Stay (wasting time)

Your current relationship:
You and me

Your fear:
Out of my hands

What is the best advice you can give:
Don't drink the water

Thought for the day:
Why i am

How i would like to die:
Time bomb

My soul's present condition:
What would you say

My motto:
Shake me like a monkey.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Winona in the summer is truly magical. I hate to say that because i sarcastically refer to it as a magical place all the time. One of my most favorite things to do is go on nighttime walks. I used to go on walks by myself but now my walking buddy is my furry child Cash. We got him a harness on Sunday and we have gone on a walk every night since. It's really nice because he is ALL tuckered out afterwards (he's currently sleeping on the floor in front of me). It's all very new and exciting to have a late night walking buddy and i have learned lots of new things in this short time.

1. The longer the walk the more times Cash needs to poop. Just like his mommy...wait...what?!?
2. Cash is terrified of water. Terrified. A few weeks ago i tried to spray him with the hose (super scared) and then i walked him down to the park tonight and tried to get him to go in the water and SO scared. I know he's a snow dog but no WATER?! I have no idea how we'll remedy that.
3. I am really bothered by hipsters. I live in winona so it's hard not to run into them. It's ok to actually like something not ironically. Promise.
4. There is a house in winona that smells like antiques and patchoulli. I want my house to smell exactly like that. I am such a hippy.
5. I literally saw 1 car on the road tonight on our 45 minute walk.1...
6. I can still walk a quarter mile totally barefoot. I did it tonight...

I think that's about it...not bad for 3 days. Also, completely off topic
1. I have no melatonin...uh oh.
2. I love airbnb... Melinda, you're the smartest girl i know. I found a place at kitty hawk that will let us bring cash. It's 200 dollars a week. What a deal!!
3. We have the a.c. On in the living room and 3 fans going in our bedroom. Overkill? No, it's hot and i'm fat i sweat when i peel an orange.

Now i thik i'm done
"we call it the box step because we lead with our box"

Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm baaaaaaack...

so the trip was actually fun. i missed mr. g and casher like CRAZY but had a delightful time with my family. Some highlights...
-grandma getting her dig in
-nerve pills
-driving 16+ hours in the car with my family
-talking with my grandma about gardens, guns, and cooking
-FINALLY meeting Abby who I like immensely
-catching up on Rome
-sleeping in the camper
-laughing until I cried several times because of my brothers and my dad.
-talking to my mama
I think that's about it. I have been cooking up a STORM already and I'm REALLY happy about it. I made, from scratch NOT a box, red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting...pretty freaking tasty for the first time:)
Also, we had a bat fly into our ceiling last night. yep, pretty freaking excited about that.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

hi, my name is crazy...nice to meet you.

this past week has been...nuts. like...totally nuts. I will start with last wednesday. Mr. G and a few of his buddies got together to support a friend going thru a rough time. I made muffins AGAIN and had a few left over and dropped off a few to E at school since it was midterm week (BOO!) but the muffins seemed to make him happy (MAGIC MUFFINS!!). That basically sums that up. I am so glad Mr. G has a great group of guy buddies around him.

Thursday...HAPPY ST. PATTY'S DAY! Mr. G and I are both Irish so we tend to celebrate in big ways (well, in the past). This year we were both supposed to do cab company with the church, Mr. G got roped into orchestrating the biggest party in our town but got free food and drinks out of it (AND we ended up scoring a free nights stay and a free dinner!!) I ditched and went to hang out with a friend who's grandma had passed away at the beginning of the week. We had a REALLY great time BUT her and her kiddos were sick so...

Friday...I woke up feeling fine...tired...but fine. By Friday night I could feel the sickness coming on. SO, I took meds and Mr. G and I spent a quiet evening at home.

Saturday was was GORGEOUS outside and even though I felt TOTALLY lame i HAD to get out. So I cleaned out the gutters, cleaned the whole house, cleaned out the flower beds, bought seeds, and then i went home...and crashed. I mean hardcore. I was SOO sick.

Sunday...layed around WAIT, i made a cookie did not turn out great.

Monday...still feeling sick but taught, went to blockbuster with my bro and dad and bought MANY sweet movies. hooray

Tuesday...I found out my great grandpa passed away. Wow. He was 101 and lived a good full life BUT he had been deteriorating for quite some time and it was time for him to go to heaven. I am glad he is there with Jesus and his bride. I am sad for my dad and for my grandma...but more happy than sad.

Wednesday... planned our trip for going to PA for the funeral. Sadly, I have to leave Mr. G behind. it is breaking my heart to leave him here. One of just has to stay behind and run things at the studio. But I'm going to miss him like whoa. Good thing I'll be back Saturday.'s the this CRAZY whirlwind trip. We leave Indiana tomorrow at 3 drive 8 hours and get to my grandparent's house (WHICH doesn't have enough beds for all of us to sleep on...awesome). Go to my grandpa's funeral at 11am. Spend the day with the family. Wake up Saturday morning, go to brunch with my family and drive BACK to Indiana. SERIOUSLY...if I get a chance to catch my breath...i will be shocked. I'm armed with Rome, United States of Tara, and 3 more DVD's and my ipod chock FULL of new tunes. Sigh, hope I continue to feel better and not get any worse. I am SO tired of being sick. I'll keep you posted from the road i hope.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Muffin Tuesday > Monday

today was weird...
first of all...the AT&T towers do NOT work in our area. they are doing work on them and installing a new one even CLOSER to Mr. G and i. BUT...nonetheless...Mr. G and i literally COULD NOT talk on the tele today. which just bites. i like Mr. G...I want to talk with him frequently. Also, I couldn't talk to Mel on the phone except over text. COME ON...i mean seriously.
I also had 5 lessons today...and I did 1 of them (actually i did like 1 and 1/2 because one was late). Another...weird.
We also have LOTS of lesson payments still out. We're going to start a new thing this coming month...if you don't have the payment on the first of the month...we're not giving you a lesson until you make the payment. I mean it's already half way thru the month and payment was due on the 1st. If we were a cell phone company...we would have shut off your phone, if we were a gym you wouldn't have a membership anymore. UGH... what people don't understand is that if they don't pay on means Mr. G and I have no money so PLEASE start paying on time. Thanks.

To lift my spirits I called in the big guns...Melinda. She has the BEST recipe for cinnamon sugar muffins EVER. So i went to my parents house to borrow their Lan line for a quick recipe review and went home and made the most delicious muffins in the world. It made for a happier tuesday night...well...muffins and of course the fact that i busted into the oyster crackers. true story.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunday to Monday...

This will be a double picture post...YIPPEE. So, it's Monday...anybody else feelin' like IT'S A MOOONNNNDAAAAAYYYYY....cause i sure do. For so many MANY reasons... BUT...alas... I will press on cause let's be excited cause it's 44 minutes into Tuesday! So...Sunday's picture.

This is where i sat...all day...i mean...i literally only got off the couch for these evacuate all the things in my stomach, to pop some popcorn, and to take Cash out...once. Wow. So since I didn't do anything...that's my picture.

This is what Mr. G and the B's did tonight. Every year we have the tradition of filling out the brackets...because my mom LOVES college basketball and of course the boys in my family love love LOVE sports of any kind. Steve and I don't really watch basketball or follow it at usually i pick by the sweeetest mascot OR the best color combo. THIS YEAR...i actually did a good job picking...i actually got on ESPN and reviewed. We'll see if I can manage NOT to be last...if I am last...I'm just going back to picking best mascot.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

i am sicky...
Mr. G has been sick this week. I've done REALLY well not getting it...until last night. I woke up this morning with a headache, with a tummy ache and what not. Tried to eat and that was a BAD idea. bleh. BUT i didn't do my picture from last here goes...

Steve and I played a show last night as we do every second and fourth Saturday of the month and it went REALLY well. We had a lot of people come out and support us. It motivates me to get new music, write new music, and record a cd. sigh...all in good time.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan Earthquake, California Tsunami...

I had many things to post about today but thought i would save those for another time. I had a GREAT day involving MANY friends and some great talks. As many of you know who have read my blog my best friend lives in 14 states away. I am thankful for us BOTH being AT&T subscribers, for unlimited long distance calling, for facebook, email and blogs so we can stay in touch. We got to talk for awhile today which warmed my heart. Many times I think to myself that I have no one to talk with honestly (besides Mr. G) but now and again you need the girl perspective and she gives it to me freely. We spoke several times today (OH and I'm thankful for texting)...between her keeping up with me on her tsunami situation (a harbor about 30 miles north of her was destroyed today) and also comforting my biological clock which seems to be unmoving at this time. What a great friend. I love her dearly.

We invited the whole staff out to Buffalo Wild Wings tonight to send off Keith in style. Keith has worked at the studio before we even got there. He's moving to Nashville to play with his band. That's really hard and really scary and as an artist myself I am often worried about taking HUGE leaps like that so we wanted to support him and love on him before he on him with chicken wings. We chowed down and had some AMAZING conversation with a DEAR friend over a very difficult situation that they are handling with such grace and such wisdom. It's always amazing when someone finally opens up and shares about the struggles in their own's great to look at them honestly and say...i know EXACTLY where you're coming from.

I also have a buddy who lives in Hawaii and I've been thinking about him a LOT today. He's been giving quick updates on his computer about what's happening and here's what i know... Kona is completely flooded. The shops are all flooded and it's just been crazy there. Right now it's noon there so I'm sure he'll keep posting when I go to sleep but my heart is heavy for him and all the people affected not only in Japan by the tsunami and earthquake but also in Hawaii.

Traveling over the years I've left my heart in MANY places. Fallen in love with the people, and the culture, and the stories, and the history, and the scenery. Seriously. I think little pieces of me are left in NYC, in Seattle, in Orange, in Philly, in San Fran, in Rohnert Park/Cotati, in London, in Montgomery Alabama, in New Orleans, in Hawaii, in Japan, in the Philippines and a BUNCH of other places along the way. Thinking about the things going on around the world today and all the places i've been makes the world a little smaller to me. They say the generation I'm in will ALWAYS view the world as a smaller place far smaller than any generation before me but today i realize how small it is for me. I have met people from the places where the earthquake happened. I have friends (Some of my best) who were under a tsunami warning all day. My world is small today. and i feel so small in it...super small.

Here's a great pic from Jeremiah's facebook. Jeremiah and I went to the Philippines together and he lives in Hawaii. He is safe but has a LONG road ahead of him. He is another person who's world is small. Praying for him, his family, his church, and his island this evening...and praying for the people in this picture who represent a little piece of my heart.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

photo challenge...

so, I'm terrible at follow thru...i mean HORRIBLE i always have the best intentions I just get busy or i forget or i...make an excuse..YA KNOW. but i'm trying to challenge myself to be better at the follow thru. challenge 365. I don't own a camera (besides the one on my phone...which is not great) but I'll try and pull stuff off line and what not to keep everyone here's today's photo and subsequent story.

this is a picture of a first gen ipad...and Mr. G got one yesterday. Listen to how cool this is. Mr. G's ibook kind of crapped out last week. I am sure we could get it to work but we were a bit worried to try. So, Mr. G uses my computer and we discuss getting a first gen ipad maybe on ebay once the new ones go on sale (TOMORROW!!). So Tuesday a mutual photog friend posts on his facebook that he's selling his old ipad. I tell Mr. G he asks for the specs and the friend says it's NEW IN BOX they just had an extra one lying around (ok, seriously?? an EXTRA ipad?? I wonder if your wallet's too small for your 50's and your diamond shoes are too tight as well??) so we jumped at the opportunity to buy it. Steve went and picked it up yesterday and has been on it basically non-stop. As musicians we've been talking about this for awhile because we'd LOVE to have all our music in a super compact form (plus ALL our originals are written in google docs.) Seriously, when we both have an ipad it will be a TOTALLY new experience playing out. Steve keeps saying he's just going to buy me one but I'm going to get the ipad 2...because of the 2 cameras! We'll sell his ibook, my ibook, and my e-reader. And then WOOT, ipad...also, it's tax deductible because...i need it for work;).

Sunday, February 20, 2011

ok, i'm a littlte obsessed...

with the show, "who do you think you are" on NBC on Friday nights...
I love learning about my own family history... and one of the things that i want to do is get a month long subscription to I've seen every single episode (THANKS ONDEMAND!!) since they started this show last year. I decided to look up a few of the last names that i know of that are in my family (MANY of them are scotch-irish...cause we're awesome like that). SOooo I just looked up a few to see where my family was from in Ireland and found a bunch of info...BUT i just researched my family motto which is...

An Lámh Fhoisteanach Abú" which translates as "The Steady Hand to Victory".

Melinda, guess what my new tattoo is gonna say?!?;)

feeling smarter...most definitely.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

a breath of fresh air...

I thought I would take this opportunity of free wifi for a whole 45 minutes...THANKS SFO for being a bunch of suckos on the "free" wifi...i digress.
it has been a MAGNIFICENT couple of days. I will say that while i did miss Mr. G it was DEFINITELY nowhere near the level of withdrawl i thought i would face...phew. I missed Cashy but fortunately Melinda loaned me her puppy and on sunday i got to play with 10, yes...10 BEAUTIFUL goldendoodles. I definitely wouldn't ever purchase a goldendoodle but they are CERTAINLY fun to play and cuddle with. So I got my puppy fix but I am definitely ready for some hubs and puppy cuddles.
Here are a few things I learned while I was here
-Melinda and Aaron like eachother...ALOT...not that I doubted this before just hadn't seen them in their natural habitat. They are very very much in love.
-I learned how to recycle. It was pretty fabulous...I wish Indiana was more into recycling.
-I was introduced to grapefruit izze's. Oh. My. Heavens.
-I really do like vegetables. Zuchinni is my new favorite. I will definitely be incorporating more into the diet for me and Mr. G
-Baby making is a science...i read a book that has changed the way i think about making babies. Now, in a few months...I will be well versed in the baby making
-i am REALLY out of shape...much to the excitement of Mr. G...I'm going to start doing cardio again and GASP riding my bike.
-I have some of the most amazing friends ever. I love the crap out of them.
-Melinda and Aaron have one of the most comfortable couches to sleep on.
-I like mini-coopers... a.lot.

I think that's about it for me kiddens. I had a MARVELOUS trip and will explain more in detail with photographic evidence. now, to get home to Mr. G and Casher...I can not wait to give my favorite boys hugs.

ps. this was exactly what i needed:)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

oh HAAAiiiii California!

well, in a little less than 12 hours i will be on the road to the airport with Mr. G for CALIFORNIA! here are some things for you to note...

1. This will be the LONGEST i have been away from Mr. G since October of 2008... we've actually not spent 24 hours apart from one another since October 2008. that's not even a little bit of a joke. so yes, it's TIME...absence makes the heart grow fonder and the what nots.

2. Mr. G's birthday/christmas gift is this trip. He knows how much i love and miss my friends.

3. This trip was delayed because of snOMG, it's about freaking time.

4. I haven't packed...even a little bit. Whoopsies.

5. it was -7 last night here in Indiana, it was 45 degrees in Cotati last night and it's close to 70 during the day there...yes, everyone...i're jealous.

I'M SO EXCITED!!!:):):)
westward HO!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

my permanent art work...

so if you know me a know i love tattoos. i have 2 at the moment and basically want 50 more. I always promise myself I will spend my tax money like a responsible girl and get my tattoo but I haven't yet... (COME ON ME!) So, this year... I'm doing it. Here's what I want...

My back piece...
That I've wanted for 5 years now. My rule is I have to want one for at LEAST a year before I get ta dah! Here's the scoop...I want 2 swallows holding a banner that reads be dust and fear not. The setting has chanced in the last 5 years but I first discovered this in an old guest book from Dec 24th 1865. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! It was just someone's doodle of two swallows in a field of wheat with the phrase "be dust and fear not"'s the basic layout...

the birdie...wings not up but extended...coloring the same.

the banner... the swallows will be on either side grasping the strings off of it in their mouth...banner will say be dust and fear not and be MUCH skinnier.

THEN onto my arm...
This is what I want to get done first actually:) Haha, I have been working on an idea for a half sleeve for over a year and it will be added onto later...just have the basics for now...
So we start with wood block waves or a cool version of wood block waves.

they will probably be less dark than that... and then adding...POPPIES!!:) they will be winding around my arm, two totally open, and then the phrase...
I Aear cân ven na mar.
Which is ELVISH for the sea calls us home... yes, my husband actually thinks that it's EXTREMELY sexy. Steve and I have always felt at home with the sea...that sounds super cheesy but...we can't help it...we're scotch irish.

I also will get both these phrases on my person at some point but my phrases are FAR less expensive they are as follows...
Alea Iacta (or jacta) Est- Which means the die is cast said by Caesar upon starting his civil war with Pompey.
Deus ex Machina... I'm a TOTAL nerd for wanting this but it's a literary term that basically means something or someone saves the day out of nowhere and everything is resolved. It used to be because sometimes in greek plays they would just have a God come out of nowhere on stage and solve all the problems and that would be it... this phrase literally means... God out of the machine...because usually they were dropped in on cables from the ceiling or raised up through a trap door. such obscurity but i LOVE it.

and those are my tattoos!:)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

they call me crafty pants...

let me give you a little insight on our house. we are renting this old lake house just about a block away from the home i grew up in. it's 4 bedrooms, an office and it has an AMAZING 3 seasons room with a view of the lake. when you live in an old lake house on the island here are some things to expect...
1. Your house will have a TERRIBLE foundation. Unless your house has been built in the last 8 years on the island...your foundation will be AWFUL. My parent's house is so bad that a part of their wall is falling away. NOT KIDDING. Our house isn't losing a wall but our entire house leans downhill to the right.
2. Your house will have very OLD windows. Some of our windows have been replaced BUT the outsides are all original and ALL bluish green...and i'm fairly sure...laced with lead.
3. Your house will have random cracks in the walls. Oh yes, applicable to us and definitely has to do with the foundation.
4. At least one of your doors will not shut of our doors shut properly...OH and that's it.
5. Your house will have inexplicable charm...which ours TOTALLY does.

Now, since we're in a rental property I can't bring myself to paint. I DO want to paint our kitchen cabinets but that will have to wait until April...and i think that's all I'll be able to do UNLESS we get a bundle of joy between now and when we move... I'll paint the babays room:). So needless to say... I try and spruce things up here and there cheaply. What I'm about to tell you isn't to brag, but only to encourage you that IT CAN BE DONE!:) Our living room is almost COMPLETELY decorated and I've only spent 20 bucks...are you ready to have your mind blown...When we moved into this house the only thing we had for our living room was a shelf for our DVD's and...a chair. That's it. We now have... a coffee table, a console table, a love seat, a couch, a tv, a tv stand, 7 picture frames, and 3 posters. Holy. Moses. The only things I purchased were a few picture frames and 2 posters (which amounted to 19 bucks)...everything else was given to us. I keep trying to spruce things up in little ways and tonight I made a valentine's bunting and I'm in the process of making a few birds for our dining room. I LOVE finding new little crafts to try out. Oh man, i have to go to bed... I'm EXHAUSTED. Hope you enjoy the pic:)

Monday, January 24, 2011

hello, i'm a liberal.

just took a quiz online to find out what i would be classified as if i actually cared about being politically active (since I'm politically apathetic) and low and behold.
I'm a liberal...and not just a little bit of a SUPER liberal. is it terrible to say I'm not shocked at all??

I guess all my SUPER conservative friends would be shocked to find that out.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

i get to see these 2 in 11 days...ELEVEN!! I may be the most excited ever... so excited in fact that i FORGOT my birthday was a week from today. Holy crap... I'm going to be 26.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I was so thankful to be off work today. I mean I'm not 100% for sure and feeling like my insides want to be on my outsides today makes me even MORE excited I could lay around for 45 minutes. I was able to do SO much which was awe-some.

I took down the christmas decorations.'s the 20th of January...I think that's a new record for me. BUT everything is down and put away. After all the decorations were down and all the furniture and lighting was rearranged i started to realize that...ummmm...i need to do some work. Seeing as steve and I moved in here at the beginning of December and I made sure to unpack Christmas stuff I think the 3rd day we were in I hadn't seen the house WITHOUT the decorations and here's my conclusion.
1. Something HAS to happen with our staircase. It's really narrow and the railing slats are all uneven (the house is SUPER old and the banister is rather umm...loose?) so I have to figure out what to do there. We did have garland wrapped around it and some ribbon. I think I might put flowers along there or...paint it?
2. I need a few more things to hang in the house...I can see 4 areas that need something hung on them right now. I think I have an idea for one of them but I need a few other things and I can't figure out what else to put up on the walls.
3. I want to paint the cabinets in the kitchen...white. With black antique looking hardware. We could actually just keep the hardware we have on them now but I do want to paint them white. Steve says he think we'll have to sand them and then primer and THEN paint them. I think we MIGHT be able to get away without sanding them. I want to paint a LOT in the house but since we're just renting I've told myself no I may not.
4. I need some better throw pillows. I think I'm going to make some. I would LOVE to have cute ones that i could just buy at the store but with Cash being shedy mcshederson i don't think I can justify it. So I'm looking for cute fun pillows I can make. Now that the sewing machine is working again (THANKS GRANDMA WANDA!!!) i am going to sew to my hears content.

I think that's it for the downstairs...I haven't even begun to tackle the upstairs... which I will not until we have imminent house guests.:) Alright, must go to bed.

OH, I just dyed my tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Adult ADD or incredible Multi-Tasker...

I am currently...
Doing the Laundry
Writing an E-mail
Listening to the music steve wrote tonight and writing lyrics to it in my head
Downloading the newest version of itunes
catching up on some of my favorite bloggers
thinking about the G's christmas card for NEXT YEAR
text messaging my hubs and my bestie
eating goldfish crackers
and drinking a mountain dew.

I am really doing ALL of those things. (i have the e-mail up and I'm adding to it as things pop into my head)


Monday, January 17, 2011

they call us the planners:)

Mel (one of my BESTIES!) and I get to see one another in 17 days...that's right... 17. I haven't seen Mel face to face since her BEAUTIFUL wedding day in June (when Steve and I were on OUR honeymoon) and I MISS HER! I think it's definitely going to have to be a once every 6 months visit. It's also super convenient because she just happens to live with AND be married to one of my oldest and dearest friends who's birthday is a day after mine. To celebrate this wonderful occasion of aaron finally reaching his "late twenties"...I'm off to visit them. The ONLY bummer of the thing is that Steve isn't coming with me...we have to have someone here to run the studio and take care of our pup. He's excited for me to go but I'm going to miss the crap out of him (because i LITERALLY haven't spent more than 24 hours without SEEING him since the beginning of October of 2008...) I know...that's crazy. It will be good for us I'm sure.

Mel and I are both planners it's in our nature to make lists and plan ahead down to every detail (i think that's one of the reasons why i love her.)... here are some things on our list...

Go to "the city" and see...
The Mission
Paxton Gate
Japantown and specifically I've asked her to come see New People with me
The Filmore:)
The Legion of Honor
AND I might beg her to get some sourdough:)

Hang in Cotati and visit...
THE HUB!:) of course
the hippie bread place
in n out...all.the.time.
RYAN AND CHRIS!!!:) It's been SO long since I've seen them:)
Kunde Winery
Anywhere scenic
I'M SURE, Mel's family...yippee skipee
Bomb sushi place
Bomb burrito place

things I will do...
cook aaron and mel a meal
take a CRAP ton of pictures
buy a cool hat
find something neat for Steve
spend as MUCH time as I can with Mel and Aaron
sing happy birthday to my friend
go on a bridge

So. So. SOOOO excited...OH and i printed off numbers and addresses of things I wanted to see in Cotati, yes... I'm THAT much of a planner:)

my modeling debut...

So, when I was in highschool a few of my girlfriends and I who had a flare for the dramatic (we were THESPIANS!!) would borrow a camera and shoot a model tape where I would speak in a bored posh british voice all quiet and whispy "i'm a model" and then i would explain how fabulous my life was as a model. like many girls i've watched america's next top model and listened to the advice(model h to t and smile with your eyes! push your back out, take your chin to me) but to ACTUALLY put that into motion...

When Jamie asked me to help her I was HONORED! Of course I would love to help you out. In my little naive brain I'm thinking... "it will just be normal and regular girls... not... MODELS..." i was wrong. It was me...and 2 ACTUAL models.Baha, I mean everyone says... "you should feel FLATTERED!!" I do and yet, i also feel like i was TOTALLY out of my league...I was nervous going INTO the shoot when I thought it was people like me (NOT MODELS!) I will say they were REALLY sweet and I was the only vapid narcissist:)

As promised...I'm adding the rest of the pictures from my shoot...if you'd LOVE to see the ones of me and the REAL models:) You can visit Miss Marah's page (weird fact: Marah and I met 5 years ago working together at....can you guess???... a daycare center...we taught the 3 year olds...and now she's a photographer and I'm a music guru?... obviously childcare is not our calling:) Here are the one's I took on Sarah's camera. She was so sweet to let me borrow her camera (i may have unintentionally pulled out my crappy cell phone to take pictures... i think she felt bad...) and then she went the extra mile and posted them on her facebook.

i absolutely LOVE detailed tiles, also LOVE exposed pipes... I know I'm a weirdo.

here's Jamie doing make-up:) she's precious!

Back up to the 3rd floor!
Here's another shot of the wall and the windows (yep, i'm singing that song in my head now too;).

Here's one of my favorite details...this was the crown molding...CROWN MOLDING... they don't make it like this anymore. OH, and this is tin painted to look like copper and painted over with white. Some of the white was off of the top tiles and holy amazing. I would say whoever remodels should KEEP the tiles and have them SANDBLASTED (not powerwashed as someone ELSE suggested...they would RUST...they're tin:) so they could be restored to the tin...even painted with the copper again.

Shot this from the back room to the front room...OH, all the rooms I shot through had working fireplaces in them. I wondered if I might be able to get away without anyone noticing and just secretly move in. I did have my wedding dress... I could have just acted like a scary ghost?!

So when Steve and I got married and talked about our dream houses one thing that I dream of on almost a daily basis is having my own fireplace... I DON'T EVEN CARE IF IT WORKS!! I just want a fireplace... i love them. I will take...this one.

There you have it. I became a model (something I have been practicing since high school). I am unsure if this was ever seriously on my bucket list but someday, many years from now, I can tell my children that in fact there mother was indeed a model and a rock star. Is it just me or do I sound like an AWESOME person on paper?!?;)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Let's get serious...

Tonight while I was getting ready for church I began to think about writing this blog entry... anyone who knows me at all (and let's be honest...the only people READING this blog are people who know me) will probably understand that this is coming from a place of reflection and not anger or bitterness or judgment. That is a fine line for me to tread on this subject because for SO long I was angry and bitter and judgmental. This story began long ago and while I'm not affected by it every day (or rather, I do not LET it affect me everyday) that angry, bitter, judgey place rears it's ugly head.

Around this time 5 years ago I was dropping the bomb on everyone that I. Was. Pregnant. Which would be fine except that I was not married, the babies' father and I had split up months ago, i had no job, and for so long had been the conservative christian poster child. I didn't drink (lie), I didn't smoke (also a lie), I didn't have promiscuous sex (oh, wait...knocked up)...I lead a young girl's bible study (true), I lead the singing in my church (also true), and I had just taken a semester off from my Christian college to figure out WHAT i was going to major in (oh, yes...also true). I KNEW what would happen if I carried this baby to term. obviously i couldn't be cut out of the circles i had grown so accustom to living a lie in... i would just continue that lie and terminate the baby. now, i know some of you are reading this and your jaws are dropping...guess what, I was that person too. Who would EVER kill a BABY?!? Well, when you don't see it as a baby and you don't see ANY other options you start to think that it's just another lie you can add to the NUMEROUS other lies you've been hiding in your life. UNTIL... i met maya.

Maya is now a first grader and when I met maya she was a 5 month old with RSV. Her desperate grandmother had asked if i could watch her while she went to work since she couldn't send her to pre-school with RSV. I agreed cause i needed the extra cash and after spending a day with Maya I realized that "holy crap, I'm going to have one of THESE in a YEAR!" and my mom made the now infamous remark when she saw me holding Maya "oh my gosh Karyn, you look like a mom". After realizing the "thing" in me was an actual BABY my entire perspective changed. I knew I couldn't raise a child, I could barely raise myself and so I decided I was going to give the baby up for adoption since she had never really felt like mine.

My parent's ended up finding out I was pregnant IN A TEXT MESSAGE to my ex-boyfriend. OH! and it had a few grand appearances by the "f-word". Whoopsies. My dad asked if it was true, I said yep and then began the agonizing 2 hour long conversation of answering every question they had. I mean, my parent's are absolutely amazing people... don't get me wrong. When I told them I wanted to give the baby up for adoption they were supportive and said it was my decision. From there on out I was having to tell everyone I knew (most of my friends were SUPER conservative since most were from college and church...). Some people were REALLY amazing...but there were others...

From the time I started telling people (5 months into my pregnancy) that i was pregnant it felt like an onslaught of horrible choices made by other people. I expected people to say, "oh wow, we're so surprised, what are your plans?, how can we help?, and even... we're disappointed in your choice to have sex outside of marriage (which by that time I had been doing that for 6 years) but here are some of the ones that I got instead: "How could you?" "How long have you been sexually active"- This asked by my pastor... "Do you know how bad this makes us look?" or statements like "I'm not surprised", "You need to get up and apologize in front of the entire church", "You can't give this baby up for adoption", "You should have had an abortion"...

These questions and statements above are just a few of the questions and statements said by LEADERS in the church. For some of you, that just blew your minds and some of you are thinking...and??

After I had Kait and she was adopted by an AMAZING family that I am thankful for every single day of my life. I became really REALLY depressed. Like... I didn't care about living, i just wanted to cry, and drink, and take ambien. I started to replay every single thing that had been said to me and said ABOUT me. I BELIEVED all these things and I started to think... if these are the people who are christians...who are CHRIST FOLLOWERS...if these are the people who are supposed to be Jesus... I want NOTHING to do with them OR him. I slowly came out of my depression but that thought and those feelings of doubt remained and quite honestly, looking back on it now... I don't blame me. I didn't know WHO jesus was, all my life I had seen him as this judgmental badger face who Smote the sinners and gave the good kids crowns and fluffy sheep. Now all he was to me were people who hated me...not "the sin" sorry all you people out there who thought talking behind my back and saying hateful things was hating "the sin" it really was hating me.

But slowly, surely...God brought people around me who showed me who Jesus really was. My parents who held me in the dark of a hospital room as i lost my mind at the thought of giving away MY baby, My dear friend Jalaina who spent the night with me and held my hand and reassured me the day Kaity was adopted, My precious friend Aaron who spoke to me honestly and spoke of a greater love than one that i had for myself a love that defied understanding and logic, the Bruners, The Behny's, The Yeh's, Nadine, Jo Faulkner who told me it was time to stop punishing myself, My sweet husband who at the time was just my friend who sat on the back porch with me and held me tight in the kitchen of his home as i broke down sobbing and helped me learn what it meant to love myself again before he EVER asked me on a date, and Miss Mac who sat across the table from me at an applebees and uttered these words "don't take everything that other people say as truth, because some of it's not."

Jesus commands us to love Him and to love others. Pretty simple eh? Yet somehow, the mark was completely missed in my situation by those who He commanded (well, some of those). For SO long I let those people who had said those hurtful things in the name of the Lord keep me away from the real Jesus. I blamed my absence from the presence of the Lord on them because...that was easier. I had someone to point the finger to. I had someone to be angry at and then that anger turned into bitterness and my soul was consumed. I couldn't sit through church, I couldn't sing worship songs, I couldn't bring myself to be around those who hurt me. This summer God began tugging on my heart. He began to soften my heart to those had hurt me...for no reason other than I begun to realize my bitterness and hatred and anger hadn't affected those who I had been bitter and angry and had hated...nope, it only affected me and my walk with God. I began to do PAINFUL things to break through the chains that had held me for so long. Things that when I told my parents or steve i was doing they asked me "umm, are you SURE you want to do that??" I started praying for those I had been SO angry with asking God to bless them and to turn their hearts towards Him. What has followed has been an INCREDIBLY strange set of circumstances...

I am no longer bitter... my heart has DEFINITELY been softened. There are some days when the anger hits but it no longer consumes me and when it does I have to test and approve what I'm saying or thinking. I am doing my best not to count my hurt against those who hurt me...which is some days...harder than it seems.I am once again going to church. With a church family i love. I can't stress that enough...i LOVE them.

I know this has been SUPER long but I had just been thinking about it on my way into church today and wanted to get it all out:)

people who look like people... 3

THIS one has been a long time coming... I'm going to apologize openly to my dear friend aaron because he really LOVES [read: hates] attention being drawn to him for his famous doppelganger but he's always been a good sport about it. this is SO accurate that someone who was friend of the Stiller family stopped him in an airport and told him he looked like a "young ben"...(I'm pretty sure that's how the story went). for many years (10 to be exact...) i have thought this and NOW you can too. This is dedicated to him, his LOVELY wife (bestie!), to their 44 mile bike race this coming weekend, and of course to my February visit to them.

Here's Ben...

and here's aaron...


Bear Down...

I think my husband has said this phrase 6 times in the last 2 minutes that I talked to him. He was at the store randomly talking to OTHER Bear's fans while on the phone with me saying "Bear Down" and he said it to me on the phone at least 3 times. I don't think he's excited about this game at ALL...He's gone to the store to buy "snacks" for the game and let me just say... the dude's gone overboard. If you don't know what "bear down" means it's something that Bear's fans say to other Bear's fans... like how Penn State fans say "We Are..." to another fan and the other fan replies "Penn State". Don't worry, these probably aren't common phrases but I live in boy world... With a husband, a father, and 2 brothers who LOVE football more than they can possibly it's either join in or get COMPLETELY left out from Thursday-Monday of regular season play. I'll leave you with the Bear's song they play after every touch down and you are judged if you do NOT sing along...
Bear down, Chicago Bears, make every play clear the way to victory;
Bear down, Chicago Bears, put up a fight with a might so fearlessly.
We'll never forget the way you thrilled the nation with your T-formation.
Bear down, Chicago Bears, and let them know why you're wearing the crown.
You're the pride and joy of Illinois, Chicago Bears, bear down.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

i'm in love...

today i helped out a friend by letting her use my face for make-up and then throwing on my big puffy wedding gown again and letting people take pictures of me (i'll try and get you a link on Monday when Marah finishes them). We met at this AMAZING building and after my shoot i decided to poke around a bit. I asked Sarah (the girl who did our hair) if I could look around and she said... "OH! You have to see the 3rd floor"... Me: WHHHaaaa?!? There's a 3rd floor?!?... and was there EVER a third floor! It. Was. Amazing. Sarah had actually looked into buying the building and when I asked her about it she told me that there's asbestos in the ceiling AND the paint that was amazing and chipping was...LEAD! So to buy it would be REALLY reasonable... to bring it up to code though would be DOUBLE the money (at LEAST). yipes, so my momentary dreams of purchasing the building were hopelessly dashed. BUT the guy who owns it is REALLY cool and let's people use the building for photo shoots and I'm going to contact him to buy some of the stuff he has laying around (buy[read:beg for]it). I have a few more pictures coming but I'll put up the ones I have now:):):)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

i get crazy...

like this...

I'm going to start re-purposing old pianos. that's right. here's the deal. We have a very VERY dear friend who happens to own a furniture store, and has a truck with a tommy gate/lift (not sure of the correct term) basically a fair ride for grown-ups and it also means you do NOT have to lift a piano onto a truck or into a van or whatever. it's a blessing. owning a music studio you come to realize just how many pianos/organs are given away EVERY DAY. some of them are completely playable while some are pieces of poop. I'm going to be looking for the piece of poop ones. Here are some things you can do with a piano...

Rip out the insides, make a fun decorative piece
Rip out the insides, make a hutch
Rip out the insides (this is sounding gruesome) and make a tv cabinet
Take out the keyboard and make things with them i have some delightful ideas as of right now...still expanding
Do stuff with the insides
Take the panels, saw, repurpose to a coffee table, OR a console table.

Seriously, I'm a plethora of great ideas. I've found 4 pianos so far. Awe.Some.

Monday, January 10, 2011


So today I had my dear friend Annie over for lunch. She brought her little girl Sadie over as well which is always an added bonus for me since ya know, me and the 3 year olds get along QUITE fine. It was Cash's first experience with having a little person around and I was a BIT nervous to see how he'd do since, as a puppy, he enjoys jumping, leaping, licking and shedding all over the place. he. was. awesome. He did jump on Sadie BUT even when she was pulling at him or sticking her hands in his mouth he didn't BITE!:)I was SUPER happy since I was REALLY nervous about how he'd do. AND after last night's potty fiasco (peed in the house...TWICE in about an hour with a trip outside...) he did GREAT. Waited to potty for 3 hours. And now I guess the good behavior has ended because he found a pair of underpants and is chewing them as fast as he can. Ah, the joys of puppydom. I just had to share all of his AWESOMEness today. So proud:)

Also, I may start referring to string cheese as "skring cheese" since that's what Sadie kept saying and I thought my heart was going to melt into a big giant puddle.

Friday, January 7, 2011

these are a few of my favorite things...

It's friday...and we're in for a BUSY weekend. Let's see... Tonight's Cab Company, Tomorrow's a show, and Sunday's church...I'm tired just thinking about it. BUT to make me excited and geared up for the busy weekend... I'm making a list of a few of my favorite things...

i love red, orange, and yellow peppers... BUT i didn't know I liked them until i was 21. i eat them frequently to make up for all that lost time.

cheesecake factory cheesecake...SERIOUSLY...if one was closer than...ummm CHICAGO??!! I would eat there pretty much weekly and weigh 1000 lbs. Biaggi's in fort wayne serves cheesecake factory cheesecake...and yes, I didn't work there for nothing...see all the useful information i possess??

alright, this is one of my new favorite things... bluntcards. seriously, they're SO funny...and inappropriate... many many times... it's actually what i would WANT to say but i don't.

umm, so before we got Cash we looked for a few months to find one of these buddies but couldn't afford spending 800!!!! Dollars on we opted for the 50 dollar puppy and he's great I would not trade him...but some day...someday i want a big boy like this...and i want to name him buckley

if you know know he's one of my favorite things...i love his music, i love his lyrics, i love watching him live (because he's amazing), and i love his sense of humor. what a super cool musician and guy. dear ben, please take us on tour with you. thanks.

here's my favorite guilty pleasure... haha. oh the kardashians. this is their CHRISTMAS card...I've decided steve and i will send one out like this next year. you're welcome friends, family and SOCIETY! seriously though, guilty pleasure. also, i have a girl i went to high school with that works with them. it makes me happy. (and as many people that think scott is a d-bag [which i TOTALLY think] i hear he's not...)

ever seen the commercial for the "swagger wagon"?? if not check it here... and then prepare to pee a little. i've wanted a sienna ever since JUST because i can see Steve and I being these parents...don't can too.

my cannon rebel...i literally can not WAIT to get one. steve was getting me one for christmas but we moved the house, the studio and one of our customers stole close to 2000 dollars from us...we couldn't afford it. BUT I'm learning to be patient and to not do things on my time. le sigh, i've waited for it for 5 years...what a little bit more:). HOPEFULLY i can get one by the 4th of July!:)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

People who look like people...deux.

Whilst watching "That Thing You Do" with my husband tonight after about 5 minutes of it being on I looked at Steve and said... "Hey, does Steve Zahn TOTALLY remind you of Matt Hoskins right now?!" To which Steve replied "yeah, kind of"... which was proceeded about 5 minutes later with... "CRAP, now all i can see is matt!!" Haha, and the game of people who look like people continues!! If you know Matt at all you will know this is more along the lines of their senses of humor and their timing being more similar than looks...but still...

Then...while looking up pictures of Matt and Steve Z I started noticing ANOTHER celeb he looked like...while in personality they don't really remind me of one another... but in look...i guess SO! Well done Matt, you look like MANY famous people.

And here's Matt and his LOVELY wife Leah (not only is she gorgeous she's SUPER artsy too, creativeness is next to sexiness in my book [wink!])

it's just uncanny i tell ya!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

fueled by soy...and an insatiable love for new tunes.

So...i LOVE new music. I used to get a lot more of it when i had 2 jobs (one that was rather lucrative) and i could blow my money on whatever i wanted...ahhh, those were the days...ya know, the days before i was a boring married lady who owns her own business and wants to start ANOTHER small business?? Yes, the lady with no money... that's who i am now. But every year for Christmas and my Birthday (and sometimes even for anniversaries!!) i get an itunes gift card and it's new music central for a whole 15 songs. YIPPEE! Here's a list of 15 songs YOU should be listening to. ps, I did say 25 but pussed out at the end because it's 2am and my Melatonin is FINALLY starting to kick in.

1. Poison and Wine- The Civil Wars: This song...ugh...absolute deliciousness. To enhance the listening experience of this song...seriously, watch the music video on youtube. It will make you want to go and make-out with your significant other. promise.

2. Girl in the War-Josh Ritter: If you have been around me and my ipod or my computer in the past 3 weeks you will have already heard this song...because i make everyone listen to it... yes, against people's wills... it's music, if you don't want to listen to it... you probably shouldn't hang around me.

3. White Blank Page- Mumford & Sons: love the sincerity of his voice. just sounds SO earnest. love the build up in this song...and the banjo.

4. Cosmic Love- Florence and the Machine: Alright, honest moment...i LOVE them recorded... i can't listen to them live. It's terrible. I mean i have actually TURNED OFF the tv after listening for a bit. I mean, wonderful performer... not great with actually being on pitch. So while I may NEVER go see them live...I will definitely continue to buy her recorded music...cause it's bomb.

5. Belong- Cary Brothers- Oh hey, haven't ripped my heart out in awhile...guess i'll listen to this definitely the definition of making you want to smile and cry at the same moment.

6. Head or Your Heart- Mat Kearney: Wow, i love this guy. And the starting lyric is "baby choose one your head or your heart..." phew... come on now mat. I also REALLY like the guitar tones used in the guitar solo. I had a LONG discussion with Steve about it tonight. Apparently it's got a clean boost, played in the middle pick-up, with an analog delay just a second behind the original note and the reverb cranked... see how smart i am??!?

7. I'm a Criminal- Paul Reddick and the Sidemen: Canadian classic. Also, wanna feel like a total bad ass...hello, just turn on this baby. Sometimes when i listen to this song i feel like i should be walking out of a bank vault with just a brick of cash in one hand, a bottle of cheap whiskey in the other, and a cig in my mouth...ta dah indeed.

8. Hurricane Waters- Citizen Cope: I truly try to reserve mr. greenwood for the first warm days of summer when you can legitimately drink a corona without looking like a total douchelord. BUT this song seems to transcend the wintery mix coming down outside right now and makes me cozy and warm from the inside. i guess i better remove my snuggie right now...

9. Snow (hey oh)- RHCP: Of COURSE you should listen to this song... first of all... you really can NOT go wrong with RHCP and also, i try to listen to this song when it's freaking COLD makes me feel better.

10. Joker and the Theif- Wolfmother: See #7 when i told you to listen to this and feel like a BAMF (Samuel L Jackson style??) this song also as soon as that distorted electric pops in on that quarter note beat...shoot...i better go paint my fingernails black...and learn to play some kickass drums so i can play this song.

11. Skinny Love- Bon Iver: mmmm... this makes me want to live in the hills of Tennessee or in some dirty town in Alabama and not wash my feet and listen to this on a porch coming out of some old victrola...i've painted you a word're most welcome.

12. Desire- Ryan Adams: This song makes me want to play the mouth organ. period.

13. All of my days- Alexi Murdoch- Best song to end a mix cd with...just sayin.

14."F" You- Cee-Lo Green: I'm basically in love with large black men in general. I am also in love with black men with crazy amazing voices. I am also in love with people who use the "F" word too frequently... shockingly...i love this song...

15. People Get Ready- Joss Stone and Jeff Beck: LOOOOOVVVVVEEE Joss Stone, I basically love anyone british who sings...yes, shut it, even amy winehouse. I heard this song over the summer and it just blows me away. I'm fairly sure she's high when she's singing it in the video but Jeff Beck plays this little riff that gets stuck in my head for DAYS and best of all...his bass player is a girl...and Mel, I think she should be Trey's next girlfriend.

pukey puppy...

poor guy...
he's been sick all day. here's what we think...

Karyn: I think he's just sickie. He's been a little sluggish since yesterday and this morning i looked up at him and was greeted with a puke. neat. this afternoon he has slowly been eating his food and drinking water. and then about 15 minutes ago he threw up EVERYTHING he's eaten all day. i am completely unsure about HOW he got all of that out of him.

Steve: He's eaten some kind of's making him sick.

Karyn: alright, i think steve's probably right...

hope our guy feels better soon.

Here's little red snuggie hood...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bucket List...

I was thinking about this tonight and started pondering over some things that are on my bucket list...decided to list a few

1. Get Married- Done, to my best friend in the whole wide world. What a lucky lucky girl i am

2. Travel, alone and with my family- This has been accomplished for the most part with myself BUT i would love to travel more with Steve and our future kidlets. Here are some places I would like to go/return to... Ireland, Scotland, London England (again), Italy (rome, venice, triste), Egypt, France, Belgium, The Philippines 100 islands (again), Kitty Hawk, NC , The DELMARVA penninsula, Florida with my hubs, and NYC

3. Along the same lines I want to visit really epic places ie: The Easter Island Heads, The salt fields, Angor Wat, Alaska, Mt. Ranier (DONE IT!!), and Stonehenge (specifically to sing the song from Spinal Tap)

4. Have a few babies with Steve- In the process of making them!:) yep, all about too much information here folks

5, Go on a television program- I would like to be in the audience for these shows... The Colbert Report, Chelsea Lately, and Oprah's favorite things show (too late for that one i fear), and Ellen... Secretly, i have always wanted to actually be a guest on The Colbert Report...which is why i keep asking santa and God for better song writing abilities...

6. Finish my book- That's one may ever read it...but i'm writing it down.

7. Stick my toes into two different oceans within 24 hours: I've actually accomplished this... TWICE already. South China Sea and the Pacific (still counts) and the Atlantic and the Pacific. BOTH within a 24 period...rock.

8. Have an unusual pet- Always wanted a vietnamese pot bellied pig.

9. Eat at Morimoto's Restaurant

10. Hug famous people- So far... I've hugged Reba McEntire and shook Gary Sinese's hand.. in my defense...I met Gary on a plane.

11. Own my own business- HELLOOOO, doing it.

12. Say important and influential things

13. Lose Weight

14. Learn as MUCH about places that i visit as I can and TRULY appreciate all the historical places my mother showed me as a child

15. Play as MANY musical instruments as I can and play most of them somewhat decently:)

All I can think of for now...sure I'll add more later:) What's something on YOUR bucket list??

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Dog...

This is my baby...i know he probably looks different than the pink and squishy ones you're all used to but my baby nonetheless. Steve and I got him right before Halloween and he's amazing. Cash is my first dog...ever. Actually...I think I may be able to classify him as my first pet. I mean I had a goldfish once...that was killed by my brother. I had a hermit crab that lived for an unbelievable 6 years (even though I'm fairly sure I only fed him...7 times in the 3 years I had him and I'm certain that my little brother fed him 2 times in the following years and then I had my bunny french toast that I snuck into my parent's house when I was 22... that's right...I had to SNEAK an animal into the house when I was 22. So I think it's safe to say... Cash is my first actual pet.

Here are a few fun facts about my Cash.

-It's possible that he's confused on his own name. Here are some names we call him: Cash, Casher, Casher-Bear, Bear, Boo-Bear, Boo, Bubby, BoBo, and Bohby. More often than not I only call him Cash when he's running off to the neighbors house or when I need him to come to where i am.

-He's never really bitten me...(only on accident) when he "fights" he just opens his mouth...never closes it...just opens it.

-He's not comfortable with linoleum. He's fine on our kitchen floor and on my parent's (could be because it's covered in papers...) but even now he's still a little unsure anywhere else. When we first brought him home he wouldn't eat since his bowl was in the kitchen on the linoleum.

-He LOVES pillows and blankets...not to chew, to LAY on them. I think he feels luxurious

-He likes laying ANYWHERE it's cold. There's a small hole in my parent's floor (he lays there) Our front door has a crack that lets the cold air in (he sleeps there) at the apartment he would lay right on the sliding glass door because it was FREEZING... WHAT...a weirdo.

-Music of any kind mellows him out. Even when the kids are singing loudly in lessons he just lays down on the floor and falls asleep.

-He loves underwears. If he could he would only play with underwear and empty two liter soda bottles.

-He loves empty 2 liter soda bottles.

-He likes to eat cheese, pretzels, carrots and ice-cream (he ESPECIALLY likes peppermint)...again, i submit... WHAT a weirdo.

I better get him to sleeps. One of my favorite times of the day when I pick him up and he wraps his front legs around my neck (LITERALLY) and lets me carry him into our room. Where he sleeps on a quilt and a large pillow that he commandeered from our bed. He's lucky he's so freakin cute.

EDIT: tonight cash rolled over for steve to rub his belly and steve said, oh no...he's got his balls... crap... i now officially live in a house full of boys.